Orbit Graphics

Which Exclusive Photo Editing Services Orbit Graphics provides?

Real estate photography editing:

Today, we can easily buy and sell real estate property online. For this, a real estate photographer works very hard. As they need to show property very clearly in their photography. As a professional image editing company, we help real estate photographer to make their images more attractive and realistic. Real estate photographs need  white balance adjustments, exposure adjustments, removal of extra parts, and more to make the property attractive. Our photo retoucher can easily do it. It doesn’t matter if you’re a photographer or real estate broker; if you need real estate photo editing, we can help you for a better presentation.

Wedding Photography Editing:

A wedding is an extraordinary moment in everyone’s life. So, they want to freeze their special moments. For this, wedding photographers need to busy the whole day to capture each moment. It is challenging to capture each photo perfectly. Because, timing, lightening, perfection, poses, are essential here. Moreover, the wedding venue becomes a crowded place. So, often some elements, backgrounds, persons may include in the picture. And, this is uncontrollable. So, using a wedding photo editing service, the photographer can quickly fix these issues and make it more appealing. We also help wed photographer for culling wedding photography, soften skin, and blemish removal, color correction, unwanted object removal and more. We will work until you meet your exact style.

What is image editing- the complete guide

 E-commerce Photography Editing:

we know that perfect product photography is the key to success in e-commerce. Buyers make purchase decisions seeing product image. You may have an expert marketing team; they can show your product in front of the right people. But, if your product photography doesn’t attract your buyer, you won’t get sales. For making product photos appealing, we can help you. Our photo editors after taking your product photos, process it fitting for display in your online store.

Moreover, if you want to sell the product on big e-commerce platforms like Amazon, eBay, you need to follow their guidelines. And, for doing this, you need to take help from photo editors. From resizing to cropping, background removal to product photo retouching, we can help you. We can also add shadows for a naked product like a wallet. We care for each client equally, no matter your single store owner or a large online retailer. Our editors will help you to make your photos more attractive.

  • Portrait photography editing:

Glamour is very important at portrait photography. Portrait photographers need to bring out the best result. As, maximum portrait photography is used for the model, magazine covers and more. So, for bringing excellent outcome results, it must need a professional portrait retouching services. As a photo editor, we apply multiple techniques to make images more attractive. Here, we may need blemish removal, skin retouching, wrinkle removal, body slimming, dodging and burning, face swapping, and color adjustments, and more techniques.  However, we provide complete high end fashion photo retouching solutions. When images are ready to use, you will see great outcome result of your photography.

  • Photo manipulations:

Photo manipulations are a technique of altering a photograph. Photo editors use multiple strategies to transform the picture, achieving their goals. Although, some unethical uses we see using photo manipulation. Still, there are a lot of ethical photo manipulations we see. At Orbit graphics, never do evil image manipulation. Our photo editors are highly skilled to create a new form of photographs using their merit and skill.

  • Digital Photo Restoration:

As a part of a professional photo editing service, we provide a digital photo restoration service. , we can call it to restore your old photographs. Photographs which are damaged by environmental causes, neglect, naturally or even human-made, our photo editors change the appearance of pictures and make it alive. We remove the scratches, blemish, skin retouching, colorize black and white photos, enhancement the images, and more. As we honor your memories, our photo editors try their best for making it alive.

  • Raster to Vector Conversions:

Digital photographs may need to use multiple platforms. Each platform has a different image sharing size. If you use raster files, the image ratio may be affected. Sometimes, you may need to ready your images for printing media uses. In raster image files, it is impossible. Vector image file is only the solution. Our photo editors convert raster files to vector images perfectly.

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